About Us
About Us
The Nirogya yoga was founded by Acharaya Himanshu Dixit, a yoga teacher and a physiotherapist by profession. NI+ROG=NIROG [ Free from any disease]. Nirogya yoga helps to achieve a healthy life along with prosperity for each and every human being in this world. It is a vedic tradition that not only helps to attain mental peace but also leads us to a stressfree life especially in these times when the whole world is facing a global pandemic. We would provide with ASHTANG YOGA which includes 8 limbs.
- YAMA [attitudes toward our environment]
- NIYAMA [attitudes toward ourselves]
- ASANA [physical postures]
- PRANAYAMA [restraint or expansion of the breath]
- PRATYAHARA[withdrawal of the senses]
- DHARANA [concentration]
- DHYANA [meditation]
- SAMADHI [complete integration]
These 8 limbs leads us to the journey from yama to samadhi and was founded by Maharishi Patanjali. The primary elements of our training are asanas[postures], pranayama[breathing techniques], meditation and the experience and application of yoga beyong the yoga mat.
- You can always control what goes on inside
- Yoga is a practice of quieting the mind
- Yoga is a fountain of youth
Expert Yoga Teachers
Our Yogis Say
Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
–Maha Rishi Patanjali