About Us


About Us

The Nirogya yoga was founded by Acharaya Himanshu Dixit, a yoga teacher and a physiotherapist by profession. NI+ROG=NIROG [ Free from any disease]. Nirogya yoga helps to achieve a healthy life along with prosperity for each and every human being in this world. It is a vedic tradition that not only helps to attain mental peace but also leads us to a stressfree life especially in these times when the whole world is facing a global pandemic. We would provide with ASHTANG YOGA which includes 8 limbs.

  • YAMA [attitudes toward our environment]
  • NIYAMA [attitudes toward ourselves]
  • ASANA [physical postures]
  • PRANAYAMA [restraint or expansion of the breath]
  • PRATYAHARA[withdrawal of the senses]
  • DHARANA [concentration]
  • DHYANA [meditation]
  • SAMADHI [complete integration]

 These 8 limbs leads us to the journey from yama to samadhi and was founded by Maharishi Patanjali. The primary elements of our training are asanas[postures], pranayama[breathing techniques], meditation and the experience and application of yoga beyong the yoga mat.


Expert Yoga Teachers


Acharaya Himanshu Dixit

Founder/ Advance Teacher


Shweta Tyagi

Senior. Dietitian


Senior yoga therapist

Our Yogis Say

Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
–Maha Rishi Patanjali